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Do you need us?

LAS is absolutely committed to the concept of service -
and that commitment extends well beyond the delivery of a purchased machine.

Contact Sandra Wüst with your service requirements. Whether you need a service technician, want to reorder wear parts, arrange a maintenance appointment or have any other request - she will take care of it.

You can reach Sandra Wüst on +49 (0)7172 18917-333 or at

Assignment of Service Technicians

In case of malfunctions, we are available 24/7, in order to avoid or minimize production downtimes. We can access the machine by remote maintenance via a secure VPN connection, and often locate and rectify the cause of the malfunction in this way. In all other cases, our service technicians will be at your site quickly.

A female LAS mechanic checks an assembly machine component with a calliper gauge

Spare and Wear parts

You will be provided with the machine a listing of spare and wear parts /EU packaging with the parts that in our experience you should have in stock. This list includes all parts that should be replaced regularly. They mainly concern parts that come into contact with the product.

If necessary, we can provide you with the necessary spare and wear parts in an uncomplicated manner. We keep many, but not all of these parts in stock. It is therefore recommended to reorder in good time, especially spare parts with long delivery times.

Please contact Sandra Wüst for this purpose. She will be pleased to help you.


The more familiar your operators and maintenance personnel are with the machine, the smoother your production runs. Downtimes for maintenance, retooling and the replacement of wear parts are minimized and failures quickly remedied.

That's why we properly train your employees either at our premises in Lorch or at your site. Your employees work one or several days together with our employees on the plant. This is to make sure that your team knows the machine well and knows what to do when needed.

Inspection and Maintenance

Expert inspection and maintenance right from the beginning of the plant life offers you numerous advantages:

  • Increased plant availability, thereby enhancedperformance
  • Minimized NOK production
  • The plant operates under optimized operating conditions
  • Reduced operating and repair costs
  • Growing knowledge of the operating staff by questioning and observing the service technician
  • Improved operating safety
  • Forward-looking cost planning
  • Anticipatory planning of downtimes
  • Less stress due to unforeseen failures
  • Transparency thanks to inspection check-lists
  • Timely ordering of spare parts with long delivery times
  • Attractive discounts on spare and wear parts and hourly rates of our technicians in case of repair works

Retrofit: Retooling, Extension, Revamping

Is your plant getting on in years and in need of modernization? Is the machine to be converted to a new format? Do you want to expand your plant to increase capacity or the number of variants? Are additional processes to be installed?

Our retrofit specialists can tackle such and similar tasks. They will see to it that your plant is adapted to the new tasks. By the way, they also do this for machines that were not built by us.

Move or Relocation

Do you want to move your machine to another production hall or to another site? Then get in touch with us. We will dismantle the machine professionally and set it up at the new location. There we ensure that the plant is running stably again.