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The Rems Valley in the east of the Stuttgart metropolitan area is traditionally a focal point of assembly automation. Founding a new company in this field here in 2010 speaks for courage, but also for the conviction to be able to do it better than many established providers. And our success proved us right.

2010 - The beginning

In May 2010, a small team of six men started building the first compact cam-controlled assembly machines in a former car dealership in Korb with a lot of enthusiasm and even more experience. Their courage paid off and the number of orders increased steadily. As a result, our team grew to 22 members after two years, 44 after 5 years and today we are more than ninety colleagues. The clientele grows steadily and is made up of companies from a wide range of industries, which makes us less sensitive to economic fluctuations.

Ansicht der Montagehalle am früheren Standort Korb

While our initial focus was on the design, standardisation and construction of compact assembly machines, we also realise complex assembly and testing systems now as well as continuous high-performance machines with an output of up to 1,000 parts/minute. We pushed ahead with the further development of the LAS basic machines and standardized the control technology. We also set up a feeding technology department. This department manufactures the feeding systems for our machines, but also supplies components or complete feeding systems to customers who then integrate them into their machines.

2015 - Growth and relocation

With this growth, it was inevitable that the initially so generous premises quickly filled up and finally reached their limits. In 2014, we bought an existing but completely gutted company building in Lorch-Weitmars, which we modernized and adapted exactly to our needs. The year 2015 saw the move, which tripled our floor space.

Not only the spatial situation changed. The vertical range of manufacture also increased. We now manufacture components ourselves, which we initially had to buy. The establishment of new departments has contributed to this.

2017 and 2019 - Expansion of the product range

With the takeover of the Eccard company at the end of 2017, we considerably expanded our feeding technology division. Since then, we also manufacture the drives for our spiral and linear conveyors and vibratory hoppers ourselves. These drives are not only used in our feeding systems. Large quantities go to customers who use them in their own feeding and sorting equipment.

In 2019 LAS took over the business of the company Lackner from Schwäbisch Gmünd. Since then, we are able to manufacture many production parts ourselves. In addition, the production of special applications was added as a further business field.

Robot arm with front-mounted camera. Test cell with lighting in the background.

2023 - new business unit

By establishing a new VISON & ROBOTICS division, we have brought expertise in industrial image processing and robot integration in-house. This means that we can now solve even the most challenging tasks in these areas ourselves.

We utilise this knowledge in the systems that we build. But we also make it available to our customers as a service.