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LAS assembly solutions for the food industry are based on cam-controlled machinery configured to run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That robustness and reliability, paired with a very easy-to-clean design tailored to operation in clean production environments, makes LAS machinery ideal for the food industry.
Case study: assembly machine for drinking caps

The customer requirements
- Output of 39,000 caps/h
- Assembly of 2 Types, each consisting of 3 single parts
- Technical availability > 95%
- Lean machine design, focussed on the assembly task
- Compliance with the quality and safety standards of the food industry

our solution
1 cam-controlled continuous motion machine speedCELL, equipped with 2 assembly towers with 36 tools each. The parts are fed by 2 feeders each.
- 650 cycles/minute (39,000 parts/h)
- Safe feeding oft he parts
- Good accessibility
- Simple to operate