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Office space as built with plastered drywalls and air-conditioned clay ceiling

Additional office space

Since we moved to our new headquarters in Lorch in 2015, the number of our employees has more than doubled. It’s no wonder that the offices have become quite cramped. Free meeting rooms have also been in short supply.

This situation has now come to an end. We had some expansion reserves on the second floor, which have now been developed. Previously used as storage space, 300 square metres of new office space have been created. The management, project management, marketing, and accounting departments have already moved into the new offices. As a result, some areas on the first floor have become available, allowing several colleagues who were previously on the ground floor to relocate. Additionally, we have gained two meeting rooms.

The offices on the second floor feature a climate ceiling with clay plaster, which we have been very grateful for during the hot summer temperatures.